Marley Blue

Marley Blue

zaterdag 10 juli 2010


Hi guys! Time for my 6th blog. I haven't been doing a lot these days.. Well, I actually HAVE if you count getting a tan on the beach. Oh and photographing!
I've must made some pictures of the stuff i've been doing lately :D Or things that I like. Here they are:

I've been playing piano... A LOT

This is a picture i made yesterday. Love my ventilator, it's so hot in Holland these days!

This is my lil' brother!

And this is my (little) sister.

This is our wall in the alley.

My guitar (:

Ok so here you can see a few pictures of the London Fashion Magazine me and my friend made for school. We've been to London to find out what the fashion is there. Just wanted to show you guys this cuz I'm really proud of the result (:

That's it!

Oh and I'm eating this atm.. YUM

Thanks for watching/reading :D I'll post a new blog soon (:
It's my dad's birthday today so I have to go downstairs now!

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